Urban legends that circulate among shoplifters about the ability to "track" the removal or opening of regular anti-theft tags are, to your delight, baseless.
Let's figure it out.
Anti-theft tags such as "round golf", "pencil tag" or others are simple plastic cases with an integrated pin retention mechanism.
To somehow track or retrieve information about the tag being opened, what do you need?
1. Some button inside; 2. A processor to handle the button state; 3. A module that will send data somewhere; 4. An additional antenna for the module;
5. A BATTERY to power all this.
There are no electronic circuits, sensors, chips, or power elements inside these standard tags. These are the simplest and cheapest mechanical anti-theft devices consisting of:
1. Plastic case; 2. Needle retention mechanism; 3. AM, RF, or RFID anti-theft sensor.
That's it... there's nothing else!
Accordingly, there can't be any "tracking" of tag removal or opening technically, simply because there are physically no sensors or transmitters in the tag capable of transmitting such information. Even if you open the tag carefully (using the standard method of a cashier's magnetic remover) without breaking the needle or the tag itself, it won't be recorded or transmitted anywhere.
But even if you break and smash standard tags, they can only find out about you by the sound accompanying it.
Also complete nonsense are ideas that if you pull out the needle, the "sensor will stop working" or "the gates will stop seeing it". As already mentioned, there are no sensors in ordinary anti-theft tags that can "stop working".
Also, the "retention" mechanism of the needle is in no way connected with the "anti-theft tag", these are separate parts of one device (tag).
Remember, store gates react not to the tags themselves, but to special "transponders" - inductance coils, magnetostrictive strips and other elements built into these typical tags.
Thus, all these urban legends and rumors in shoplifting circles are complete fabrication, having nothing to do with reality. Simple anti-theft tags can neither "track" their opening nor in any way interact with store security gates, except by responding to their signal when the tag is between them.
There is a single real technology from CROSSPOINT, but it's a whole system:
1. AM gates must be at the entrance to the store; 2. Specialized tags from CROSSPOINT; 3. Additional RF gates (antennas and electronic board) built into the fitting room walls.
... importantly, knowing thousands of shoplifters around the world, I've heard about the application of this complex only twice.
What's the essence and how does it work? - The main thing here is a round tag of the "golf" type of unique design.
A video demonstration found on the internet on this topic:
This tag is structured as follows:
1. in the main part, which contains:
- AM tag (coil); - Needle retention mechanism; - A small round metal plate.
2. In the cap with the needle of this tag is... an RF tag...
The metal plate, located in the main part closer to the surface with which the "cap with a needle" touches, interferes with the RF tag's operation only when the "cap with a needle" is inserted into the main part.
Got it? Let me clarify:
- RF tags are very vulnerable to even unilateral shielding and do not work if you stick them on a metal can of "Red Bull", for example, this same principle is applied in this DOUBLE tag.
So, at the moment when you are inside a fitting room equipped with an RF system in the walls, if you open the tag, then the RF tag in the cap becomes available for reading by the RF system and only in this case there is an "alarm" of two types:
1. You will hear a sound or see light indication; 2. A light blinks in the cashier area.
But even in this case, there is an incredibly simple solution to this problem, even several... But I will only tell one of them:
- Open these tags inside a bag made of shielding fabric and close them back inside this bag... And the magnetic remover can act on the lock of this tag even from outside the bag.
Also, if you are unsure about something, then for complete safety go to AM stores with active RF tags (or use a sensor indicator) and you will definitely not miss the built-in RF systems.
As a postscript, for those who have filling in the cranial box, the question:
- If you open the tag not in the fitting room, nothing will happen, but why?
Oh... I almost forgot, there are "Tag Removal Detectors" and you've definitely seen them) For example, in NewYorker chain stores, where in the fitting rooms hang scary things that:
1. are not connected anywhere to anything, as there is nothing to connect to; 2. A light!!! FLASHING!!! oh no... surely it must be working; 3. It says: SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, ALARM SOMETHING...
In fact, this is a box with an LED, which is powered by a solar battery located in the lower part of this super thing...
As long as light hits the photocell, energy through the electronic board... Yeah... there is something... accumulating, goes to the LED and creates a blinking effect.
Also, notice that they are always installed so that some light hits the photocell, cover it with your hand and a miracle will happen:
- The ominous red light will stop blinking. Investigate: