Shoplifting Laws in Indiana

Shoplifting laws in Indiana are more severe compared to some other states. Even if you steal an item for a couple of tens of dollars, it is still considered a crime. The presence of a criminal record can greatly spoil the life of any person. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Indiana shoplifting laws and provide advice on how to avoid fines and convictions.

What is shoplifting?
Theft is the deliberate or conscious appropriation of someone else's property by depriving another person of the opportunity to use his property. Under shoplifting laws in Indiana, such an offense includes seizing, obtaining, concealing, or transferring this property. Property means real or personal property, money, services,  data, etc.

Punishment for shoplifting in Indiana
Thefts are classified based on the value and type of property stolen, relevant circumstances, and the criminal's previous convictions. Shoplifting laws in Indiana identify the following levels of crime:
·        Felony Level 5. Theft of property worth more than $ 50,000. The punishment for this offense includes jail time from one to 6 years and a fine of up to $ 10,000.
·        Felony Level 6. Theft of property worth from $ 750, but less than $ 50,000. The punishment for this crime includes from 6 months to two and a half years in prison and a fine of up to $ 10,000.
·        Misdemeanor Class A. This offense includes theft of property up to $ 750. Typically includes shoplifting for the first time. The property is not a firearm, vehicle, or part of a vehicle. The punishment for this crime includes up to 1 year in prison and a $ 5,000 fine.

The concept of an advisory sentence
Indiana shoplifting law establishes advisory sentence for each level of felony. The court may consider this opinion voluntarily, and it determines the punishment in the range between the minimum and maximum sentence for a crime. For example, in a felony Level 5, the advisory sentence is three years.

Civil liability
In addition to criminal penalties, the offender must also bear civil liability. In many states, a retailer who has suffered a loss due to shoplifting can file a civil action against the thief for damages. Indiana shoplifting law allows any victim of theft to claim triple refund for damages. In addition, the victim may be reimbursed for the costs of filing a claim and attorney fees.

Additional penalties
Indiana shoplifting law has additional offenses. Class A and B misdemeanors include an offense where an offender buys or sells property whose original number has been altered or defaced. If the value of the property is $ 1,000 or more, and if the defendant is previously convicted of theft, the punishment increases to level 6.
The penalties are more severe in the case of criminals who have committed two or more criminal offenses in the past 10 years. Convicted of a 5th and 6th degree felony receive an additional sentence of 2 to 4 years to the main term.

How to avoid fines and penalties?
Before committing a crime, you should take into account all possible risks and first familiarize yourself with the laws of the state or country in which you are actually going to commit a crime. In the worst-case scenario, at least you will be ready for the numbers that the court might name. But such conclusions should be avoided, and this will require serious preparation. Professional shoplifters have the necessary knowledge in the field of shoplifting and ‘go to work’ with special shoplifting equipment. Using high-quality products from Bombastershop, the task is simplified tenfold. Remember that you need to study all the features of the case. Find information on the website in the public domain.