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Früher war die erste Zeile hier über "Früher war die erste Zeile hier über", ber Jahre vergingen und es stellte sich heraus, dass es nicht die Hauptsache war, da Vertrauen in uns keine Antwort auf die Frage ist:
"- warum sollte ich etwas von Ihnen kaufen!?"


about warranties SCROLL DOWN
But please read this as well:

Most new or old in the shoplifting topic, but about us have not heard before, when they meet my works, videos and technologies do not immediately perceive everything as it is in reality, they see only a thin film on the surface of the deep ocean in the form of a website or "advertising tool demonstrations".

I'm just like you, sometime in 2008 I started actively shoplifting (I'm not ashamed to state it on the main page of this site), eventually I got desperate and tired of looking for some equipment to improve my capabilities and increase security and STARTED inventing for myself..
NO, it wasn't like "that's it, from now on I'm an INVENTOR", I just experimented sometimes and had something "accidentally" worked out, then I started sharing these ideas for FREE on long time internet forums (my first nickname was bombaster), but most participants told me straight:
"- bro, just make some more and sell it to me, why should I try it myself, I'll just buy from you and in one trip to the store I'll recoup my costs!"
And that was the right approach at the time, just buy and act, not to spend money on buying materials for experiments, not to waste time and nerves, and just buy a ready-made tool that had no analogues in characteristics.


What came first? Detacher №1, it was more compact than the ones at the cash registers and had the same power. Gradually I improved and invented other tools just for myself (till 2015 I continued to steal very actively while I had free time for that). In 2012 I had to create a website (bombastershop appeared) to make it easier for myself to answer questions about the equipment I use and sell. Hopefully now logically understandable to everyone that the site gets only effective and most useful equipment from what we invented.

Open articles in the information section, there described the whole story, I do not want to repeat it here:

the history of bombastershop is not about "buy cheaper-sell more expensive", most of the profits are invested in the DEVELOPMENT of new and IMPROVEMENTATION of existing equipment, the log of inventions is below, look it up. The tool certainly expands your capabilities, but it is nothing compared to the knowledge I have accumulated from hundreds and thousands of shoplifters all over the planet, which gives you far more than any of the tools.
TOTAL KNOWLEDGE about technologies that would never be gathered on any of the forums or sites, because each participant is usually selfish, and the forum moderator is often not interested in the work and gathering information, which shows us today ABSOLUTELY empty on the Internet on the subject of shoplifting and technologies related to it.

No one has invested so much effort, years of life, money and stubbornness into SHOPPLIFTING technology.
We get accurate data from you about just emerging new anti-theft technologies (if we see a potential problem) and while still in the infancy of their use by stores we try to create something FOR YOU so that YOUR capabilities will not be multiplied at some point by ZERO....

If you will study everything on this site, every product, every corner of the site information, you'll understand that WE need to be supported by any action you consider acceptable and THIS IS NEEDEDED, without your support we are nothing and NO technology can continue to evolve further.


- If you're new or just getting to know us, there are cheap products on the site, like the #1 detacher, hook and other little things..
Just buy these and you'll get handy, REALLY effective tools.
- If you've been doing this a long time, just STUDY EVERYTHING and you'll find incredible opportunities for yourself with the information and equipment.

Knowing some of the "very, very fair ones" I'll add
- WHY do you sell hooks more expensive than on aliexpress or alibaba"?
- yes simply because this is not a product for which we will run to the post office 20 times a day like the Chinese, we keep this product for ACCESSORY, and it is not the basis of sales or profit. But we have made this product easy to use and selected the best quality, which the Chinese often have crap.




Sehr oft höre ich ein und dieselbe Frage-Behauptung:

“Zuerst Geld, dann die Ware? Keine Garantien”

Therefore, for four years this page has existed on my site, I hope you carefully review it, this is also my personal work. Thanks.

And my answer? my answer is simple:
- bother yourself before asking.
The standard procedure for checking the seller for lice:

1) open contacts and a variety of contact methods.
2) the presence of photo-video content in which the product and its capabilities are shown in detail.
3) the availability of stocks of goods.
4) the adequacy of reviews, fake can be seen strongly and immediately.
5) places where they write about the seller independently, publics, groups, forums, chats, places of communication.
6) methods of payment for goods.
7) prompt provision of proofs of the availability of goods.

And when several of these factors add up, on a regular trading site you will not doubt the reliability of the transaction... Go...

1. I'm the owner of the following sites: (main site) (shoplifting devices shop)

(only the main ones are shown)

2. There are dozens of videos concerning our product and its testing that demonstrates its application in real conditions with real equipment.
Since the channels are constantly blocked due to complaints from anti-theft companies and government agencies, just enter
bombastershop in the YouTube or Google search and you will find all our videos and channels, or simply click on this link:

if you want to find everything about jammers then click:

if you want to find everything about detachers then click:

if you want to find everything about RF boosterbag fabric then click:

3. There is a considerable merchandise inventory. Please pay your attention that 90% of all the pictures of devices were taken at different time.

You can look through the pictures on websites and social networks to make a better understanding: and the simplest, open Google, enter bombastershop in the search, open the "pictures" section.

4. There are no negative reviews in Internet about me with real proofs, screenshots of sending money and not receiving goods. Nothing. Each review is not fake, writing fake-self-reviews is not for me.

5. I’ve appeared in the market of devices since the beginning of shoplifting movement in Russia, i.e. from 2010 (10+ years)
During this time, anti-theft companies demolished:
3 promoted YouTube channels
3 Websites ( + + due to a courtorder.
Dozens of accounts in various social networks were also blocked.

I was forced to abandon the use of brands in the names and description of goods, but gradually I have such opportunities again and I've found ways to protect myself.

Does the government fight scammers in such a way?

6. I am the leader and administrator of the largest community in the world (we use the social network Telegram).

At the beginning of 2020 , the main community communicates in Telegram, this is a link to my unique information resource in this chat messenger, there you will find a huge amount of information and other thematic resources:

7. The following technologies were created by me:
1) 2010* the assembly of a detacher №1 on clamp in 2010;
2) 2013* bypass of Sensormatic anti-jammer systems;
3) 2013* bypass of RF + MG systems by an optimal radio-fabric;
4) 2014* detacher №2 for NeoTag 16000Gs
5) 2015* the detacher that hacks the most powerful detachers(DuralTags) that has no analogues except the factory ones.
6) 2015* started its own production of unique detachers which are sold only to official partners(DLS FORTKNOX detacher, PATACO Si2 and etc...)
7) 2016* invention of a unique detacher for Concept Agon Tag
8) 2017* invention non-metall BoosterBag. Check Black Fabric 2017
9) 2018* The development of a new jamming technology that is capable of defeating the AM Crosspoint system, previously it was the only stably not suppressed AM system.
10) 2018* development of the best jammer for RF type systems(Checkpoint,Nedap,Gateway) has been completed.
11) 2019* launched an enhanced version of the jammer for heavy duty RF systems assembled from Chinese junk by Russian anti-theft companies. (maybe I will surprise you, but the most high-tech city in the direction of anti-theft systems on the planet is Moscow).
12) 2020* developed a special electronic key for tags, spiders, boxes from inVue.
13) 2020* investigated vulnerabilities of AM systems Sensormatic Synergy with active noise adaptation system improved the performance of smart AM jammers.
14) 2020* improved the quality of jamming of RF systems NEDAP, reduced the likelihood of rebooting the gate after impact on them, and also raised the power by 50%.

… This is not the entire list, this list will continue to grow and the projects of new developments will not be abandoned.

Unfortunately, I very often encounter subjective skepticism addressed to my person ... The overwhelming majority of my first encounters with my projects primarily accuse me of being an ordinary huckster speculator ... Which encouraged me to list the list of key points and achievements. And they are not only in technology. Try to look more globally.

8. We 6 people in Vologda are always in direct contact of any method (Skype, phone). You're welcomed in Vologda.

9. There is a big amount of old reviews, additional information concerning our activities that is suggested to be studied:

10. Despite the fraudsters that admit only one way of payment, often the most anonymous like QIWI, we support all types of payment:
Webmoney, Sberbank, Tinkoff, QIWI, MoneyGram, Unistream, WesternUnion. We prepare the possibility of obtaining Bitcoin.

(PayPal actively refuses to cooperate with me as they act through the laws of the US. Due to US’s laws, the existence of some of my goods violates the laws of the United States. Need to understand a few times we lost money in this system, we do not want to risk it again.)

11. There are a lot of more nuances, but if you are not lazy and poked in all the links and studied all the information… I think that all the other words are unnecessary.
But if doubts still remain, it means that you've decided to ignore and didn’t open any site. And it means that we are not «scammers» and it’s unnecessary for you.



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